Cancer Diagnosis? Click To Learn More About Filing a PFAS Claim.
Premises Liability FAQ’s
If you are injured while on someone else’s property, you may have a barrage of questions that you want answered. O’Connor Law may be able to help you ascertain whether or not the property owner is liable for your injury. Some commonly asked questions are:
- If a Neighbor Invites a Person Onto Their Property and Thereafter the Person is Injured, What is the Result?
- If a Person is Injured While Walking on a Public Sidewalk Beside a Construction Site When They are hit by Falling Debris, Who is Liable for the Person's Injuries?
- Is a Person Able to sue a City if They are Injured From Falling Over a Piece of the City Sidewalk That Broke off?
If a Neighbor Invites a Person Onto Their Property and Thereafter the Person is Injured, What is the Result?
If a Person is Injured While Walking on a Public Sidewalk Beside a Construction Site When They are hit by Falling Debris, Who is Liable for the Person's Injuries?
Is a Person Able to sue a City if They are Injured From Falling Over a Piece of the City Sidewalk That Broke off?
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- 800-518-4529
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Practice Areas
- Workers’ Compensation
- Social Security Disability
- Personal Injury
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Nursing Home Abuse
- Premises Liability / Slip & Fall
- Auto Accidents
- Dangerous Drugs & Products
- Low-T (Testosterone) Medication Lawsuits
- Marcellus Shale and Fracking
- Mesothelioma
- Product Liability
- Tractor Trailer Accidents
- Wills, Estates & Elder Law
- Benzene Lawsuits
- Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Other Traffic Violations
- Medical Malpractice
- Short-Term Disability Insurance
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- PFAS Injury Cases
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No improvements needed. Everyone was very friendly & helpful.
I only talked to Anna she was super!! I don't see anything you can do to make it better or easier. I feel bad it took me long to pay you. I never thought I would get approved in five months. I loved what you all did for me.
The services I received were exceptional.
I don't think there is need for improvement. My cases were handled with such care and consideration I would bring any case here.
Would you recommend our services to others? Yes, I was so pleased, and so thankful for everything. Any additional comments... none, you are awesome, thank you again.
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